2024 CSA sign-up
Online CSA signup
CSA shares are delivered on Wednesdays starting May 1st thru Oct.16th. Oct.30th and Nov. 13th
Each week shares come with a emailed newsletter with recipes and storage tips along with photos and stories about what is happening on the farm.
Choose a pickup location
Meister Cheese Store, 1050 E Industrial Dr, Muscoda 11:00-4:30pm
Harbor Wellness Studio, 2711 Allen Blvd, Middleton 12:00-7:00pm
1309 Edgehill Dr, Madison, (residence, Shorewood area) 12:00-7pm
1507 Rutledge St, Madison (residence, on the isthmus) 12:30-7pm
5121 Hackney Way, Madison (residence, far east side)12:30-7pm
Johnson Health Tech 1600 Landmark Dr, Cottage Grove, 1:00-4:30pm
Summit Credit Union, 1709 Landmark Dr, Cottage Grove, WI 53527 (employee only)
2817 Waunona Way, Madison (residence, south of Lake Monona) 1:00-7pm
Crossroads Coffeehouse, 2020 Main Street, Cross Plains 11:30am-7:30pm